Don't Buy My Book and don't read my inversity conclusive writings here
Todays Date iMovies HorsePower Gay + u could buy these books "The Tulip Virus" "Deadbeat Dad" & The Real [disgusting] Anthony Fauci which is a telling drama about a wolf wearing synthetic sheepskin that identifies as a snake and slithers up every orafice including ears in order to infect you with his lies. Others might say "don't buy my book UNLESS you want to LEARN THE FACTS ABOUT VIRUSES and the constant lies we are being told about them" a book by Torsten Engelbrecht
100% GREED certified to fake save the planet LEARN MORE |
energy is a DEAD/END
as is all virus hunting expeditions as all they are is dangerous unicorns "we would pretty much have to destroy the environment in order to produce the same amount of electricity that fossil fuels are producing today" GREED energy is ruining the planet viruses are cellular debris not Godzillus to go hunting viruses is like hunting poop to shut down, separate, cover faces is insanity we are not virus breathing dragons renewables are using more energy and adding more CO2 prints on the mind while invisible carbonated air is all recycled and never forms heat or cold trapping blankets anyway |
Virology is absolute JUNK/SCIENCE
learn why the science is so bad and so made up of illusions and fairy tales it's like they claim they can find a ground up "needle in a haystack" and to be safe from being pricked by it you need to seek out help from them at costs of trillions of dollars as they then say you need to get pricked to be safe Kovid-19 first appeared on Project Runway March 2019 one year before the fake-a-demic teaching us how to start identifying as a car I'm shocked! did it have a good run? STOP getting tested for viruses You are being played like the old video game of pong learn why The truth about contagion was written by Dr. Tom Cowan, Magnificent Doctor (MD) The fart molecule is much bigger than Omnicron, if you can smell farts through that mask you are being infected with the dangerous Omnicron unicorn that like all unicorns does not exist. Think about this, you can smell fresh air, you can smell the fragrance of a flower, you can smell mold in the refrigerator even though you have that box of baking soda there, you can't smell any can smell Hustle In Virology every time you see that Faucizilla thing appear on the boob toob as everything said about viruses is a lie, they do not exist except for one purpose, to make you believe you need to wage war with them, to "protect" yourself from them, to take pills for them, all things that are fighting what is not there but make big pharma very rich. Find out what is really going on with Kovid-19 by Andrew Kaufman at the start of the mischiefdemic PAN is the god of mischief thus a Pandemic is a mischievious adventure in ongoing Hustles In Virology (HIV) Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman are the best people to read about and listen to their perspectives on the wild claim that a particle of matter that is 777 trillion cubed times smaller than you are can throw you down like how Joe Rogan does to his opponents. Robert Willner called out the HI virus fraud and Fauci's lies long ago buy his book if you can find it as it is a collectors item and now hard to find. A rare copy is on eBay for $550 it is that hard to find and worth every dollar. Watch him speak here about it where he pointed out the top cause of AIDS is not a virus at all it's 2 medical drugs and Fauci is a "scoundrel of the worst order, criminals....knowingly put out a killer drug knowingly" and he wanted to go to court to have it all come out to the public. His full interview over an hour here at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in December 1994. What might an artist named Kevin P. Corbett who was there at the start of the "aids" crisis know about viruses that the rest of us don't know. It might just be dimensional perspective "The Infectious Myth" was an online book project by the late David Crowe who did many podcasts on health matters and was very insightful. He was head of the Alberta Reappraising Aids Society that looks at what is not causing disease and it was not a virus. He had a site called "" but that has gone to the wayside after his death. All of his podcasts are archived here. One of my favorite things he said about the Kovid-19 fraud scare was in around May 2020 interview saying that eventually the public will go after the politicians and bureaucrats that were lock step taking their orders locking everyone down to hunt these dangerous unicorns as if the politicians were in the Roman coluseum and the lions were after them, they will make a sharp right turn to avoid, turn again, and again and eventually be eaten. We have seen it take a few years but that's what happened, the politicians all kept avoiding the public biting at them but eventually the public devoured their lies and things went back to normal except for one pesky problem, the gassing of public spaces with pesticides called QUATernary Ammonium Cations that are a direct cause of health problems as they are basically China's chemical waste repurposed (remarketed) as good for you kinda like how they tell your kids that sugar infused cereals will make them fly and take them on wonderful adventures and when their teeth rot out they blame a virus. BUY THIS BOOK Undercover Epicenter Nurse takes a look at the horror that occured in the spring of 2020 when undue panic took hold of the public and of all governing bodies and nursing home patients were left to die review of book "Merchants of Despair" |
One very bad point of that book "Merchants Of Despair" is
that it embraces pesticides like those now being FORCED ON all commercial
establishments in the new world war on invisible things "for our health" which
is creating a horrible smell of disinfectant fumigation as they are spraying
these chemical weapons all day long in these establishments. Read the warning
lables the fumes are toxic. They are VOC's that we are warned about in paint
thinner, turpentine, etc. I wonder if they are made from China's chemical waste
from all the industry. Food absorbs these chemical fumes and we then ingest
them though they may be a small amount. Virus hunters don't care about this
they have their weapons of war. Worse is we are being forced to breathe these
fumes in as if we are in the middle of crop dusting, it goes immediately into
our lungs and system killing healthy bacteria and burning up cells. Our lungs
and blood cells are being raped by these chemicals and public health is telling
us this is healthy as they hunt for viruses as far up in outer and inner space
as Uranus and Pluto which is a rock, no planet, no rock, no wait, committee
decided it was a figment of our imagination after they came back to the table
after being high on weed then said "Hell with it" and flipped a coin. All of
these pesticides used against vectors are harmful to humans when exposed to
them yet there is so much money made for business and retirement portfolios
there is rarely the politician or anyone dependent on lucrative financial gains
who is against them. Pesticides applied to crops is one thing as they are
washed off mostly though some is absorbed they are small amounts that reach the
human body, except in workers being exposed from the applications, but now with
these fumigants in public places being sprayed and wiped all day long where the
fumes are so bad you can be walking past one outside and the smell comes
blasting out the doors when they open at the entrances. It's like smelling the
horrible fumes from an epoxy lacquering body shop yet this is done "for our
health". Obviously public health authorities are now either insane or they are
shills for the chemical companies or both or worse. I wonder are the
environmentalists coming out in droves anywhere taking issue with all these
chemical fumigants ending up in the atmosphere of our lungs and of Earth and
attempting to protest this new Faucist regime? Disinfectants are pesticides and
should not be used this way. They are now even spraying barbells at the health
clubs with these chemicals roaming through the club spraying everything with
their pesticide sprayers like we do outdoors around our homes and just letting
it all dry, creating fumes trapped in these establishments after the world's
public health authorities closed them for months "for our health".
Hellooooooooo. Is anyone noticing that coughing elephant in the room yet? Thank you for visiting our page!